Volunteer skills. Teach your children the arts of social grace, respect, consideration, empathy, benevolence, appreciation, community service, faithful obedience, and humility and they may just end up with the surprise of a lifetime and a free ride around the world.
Volunteer Skills While Traveling

Good morning sisters! It is with great, GREAT, joy I am writing to you this morning about how to volunteer skills while traveling.
For the last two weeks, I’ve been in the Twin Cities with my daughter. We came here so she could participate in a theatre program. I, on the other hand, could continue with some vital community service work I began 2 years ago, as it relates to peace making and building bridges.
To afford our stay, I offered to volunteer skills in the domestic department. I pitched in on the groceries in exchange for our room. I’ve been cooking, cleaning and shopping. On top of that I have been providing major moral support for our host, who is currently going through some turbulent times. Every single dish was dirty and there were several projects when I showed up. My host was not sleeping or eating well and was battling a rash. I whipped the kitchen into shape. Then I scrubbed the entire apartment. I also filled the fridge with organic super foods, mixed together a remedy for rashes, got some sleepy time tea, and picked some fresh lavender to put by his bed side.
Special Projects

Throughout the two weeks, I engaged my host in special projects around the house. This is one thing you can do when you offer to volunteer skills. Those included replacing his old mattress with a new mattress and building a platform bed. I rented a skill saw and cut the old foam mattress in half. That way it could be efficiently stored and used at a later date for guests. My host had a ping pong table in the entrance, still in the box. I suggested that he speak with the building manager about setting it up in the community room. The building manager approved. Now my host has a place to play ping pong with his 7 year old twins when they come to visit!
Taking Care of the Kids
Speaking of the twins. I prepared them yummy snacks for when they come to visit. Also I lined them out with crayons, coloring books, and bubbles. I “unearthed” their toys from the bedroom closet and lovingly displayed them in the living room. Gifted them each sparkly little fans. Convinced their father that he should teach them Spanish. Spanish is his native language, and his roots are in Puerto Rico. Now the house has little sticky notes all over of Spanish words describing things. Oh! And I suggested my host pick-up a air pump for the little girls bikes. Their tires were flat. He agreed, so I picked it up.
Managing Things

I purchased a cork board for my host because he is struggling with managing his time and lined it with “To Do”, “To Buy”, “Constructive Criticism”, and “Positive Feedback”. To volunteer skills and help organizing can be very useful. Then, I helped him write up a routine for when his children visit. We also wrote up a plan for his only day off. This includes a full day of no cost activities with his daughters. Under the “To Do” category, I included a grocery shopping list & some of his personal goals. In the “Positive Feed Back” category, I posted a personal note from me thanking him for his hospitality and I asked my daughter to do the same.
Travel Benefits
Yesterday morning, he came to me with the paper work that I am holding in the picture above. That’s when I had the surprise of a lifetime. He told me that he has a travel benefit that he can share with one person. The travel pass allows for travel anywhere in the world anytime with or without the primary beneficiary, and he offered it to me!
I have no words to express what this surprise of a lifetime means to me! I will be using this pass to accomplish one of my goals in life: to travel the world and visit ALL of my family members, friends, and maybe meet some of you (if you would like to exchange the value of your accommodations for my domestic skills). Love, peace & happy trails be with you all!
PS: I shared this story in my “Global Sisterhood” Facebook group…in response I have received invitations to visit women in 10 different countries and counting!!
Are you interested in volunteering? Click here to learn about the best volunteering abroad programs for adults!
You can learn more about Michelle Mariacher & her community service work by visiting Seeds of Triumph.