Welcome back to our Meet and Greet Monday! Today, Her Adventures gets to sit down with HERA moderator Jess Sebastian.

Quick-fire question
HERA: What’s your favorite way to travel? Planes, trains, driving, etc?
Jess: Planes and driving.
HERA: Hostels, hotels, or homestays?
Jess: Homestays!
HERA: Are you a planner or do you go with the flow when you travel?
Jess: Both hehe.
HERA: Would you rather explore landmarks or local favorites?
Jess: Local favorites!
HERA: Tell us about the thing you do that you’re most proud of . Why are you proud of it? What about it is inspiring to you?
Jess: I am currently working remotely for international companies. I have never thought that it will be possible for me, to be able to travel and get good paying jobs.
HERA: What is your favorite travel tip, piece of advice, hack?
Jess: Bring an open mind and always ask questions if needed!
HERA: What is your travel style? How would you describe it?
Jess: I like travelling solo and with friends. Solo as you usually meet interesting people along the way. With friends because it’s fun lol!
Let’s get into the details
HERA: What’s your favorite place that you’ve ever traveled to? Why?
Jess: Croatia, and it’s my home now.
HERA: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from travel that you’d like to pass on?
Jess: Just be you 🙂
HERA: How does traveling affect your friendships in general?
Jess: It has ups and downs. You can meet people but at the same time only few stay throughout the journey.
HERA: Have you ever met anyone interesting or made a new friend while traveling? Tell us about it!
Jess: Found my husband lol. We met on a dating app, but it was time of the year for me to travel and we decided to meet halfway to travel together.
HERA: Was there a time you ever wanted to quit? How did you deal with that situation, or overcome it?
Jess: Just breathe and check your perspective. Sometimes, you just need a good breather.
HERA: What’s your dream? What does your end game look like?
Jess: Financial freedom 🙂
HERA: What do you credit most to your success?
Jess: Family and hard work.
Follow Jess on Instagram!
Her Adventures is an education and empowerment community dedicated to helping women explore beyond their boundaries. We welcome all people who identify as non-masculine/non-male to connect, educate and inspire each other with their stories, fears, knowledge, questions, and ideas. Because together we make each other strong. We hope you will join us and see the world.