Welcome back to our Meet and Greet Monday! Today, Girls Who Travel gets to chat with GWT support member and writer Annika Albrecht.

Quick-Fire questions
GWT: What’s your favorite way to travel? Planes, trains, driving, etc?
Annika: Train.
GWT: Hostels, hotels, or homestays?
Annika: Hotels.
GWT: Are you a planner or do you go with the flow when you travel?
Annika: Go with the flow!
GWT: Would you rather explore landmarks or local favorites?
Annika: Local favorites.

GWT: Tell us about the thing you do that you’re most proud of. Why are you proud of it? What about it is inspiring to you?
Annika: Community building. I’ve got a pretty strong network of amazing women. I’m proud of everything I’ve done up to this point in life.
GWT: What is your favorite travel tip, piece of advice, hack?
Annika: Mingle with locals. You never know where it might lead.
GWT: What is your travel style? How would you describe it?
Annika: Solo!
Let’s get into the details

GWT: What’s your favorite place that you’ve ever traveled to? Why?
Annika: Vilnius, Lithuania. You’ll have to read my articles to find out why!
GWT: Have you ever met anyone interesting or made a new friend while traveling? Tell us about it!
Annika: You could uh, say so. Heh heh. Story for another time.
GWT: What do you credit most to your success?
Annika: My award-winning personality.
Follow Annika on Instagram!
Her Adventures is an education and empowerment community dedicated to helping women explore beyond their boundaries. We welcome all people who identify as non-masculine/non-male to connect, educate and inspire each other with their stories, fears, knowledge, questions, and ideas. Because together we make each other strong. We hope you will join us and see the world.