
Meet & Greet – Kaylene Breeding

Her Adventures | Kaylene Breeding
This week’s GWT meet and greet features one of the brightest stars in the Girls Who Travel community: the fabulous Kaylene Breeding! Kaylene is a phenomenal travel hacker and all around adventurous spirit. Lucky for us, Kaylene’s sharing some words of wisdom!
Tell us about the thing you do that you’re most proud of (this could be your job, your blog, your hobby, your family, your volunteer work, anything).
Making my name known in an industry filled by amazing people and also finding a very rare niche in it that allows me to work remotely.
What is your favorite travel tip, piece of advice, hack?
Credit card bonuses are my most valuable since that’s how I travel for free. Check out my #FrugalFriday segments in HERA too!
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from travel that you’d like to pass on?
Solo travel has brought so many lessons for me whether it’s about myself or those around me. That’s exactly what I love about it. I wouldn’t have experienced half the things I had today if I would have let the fear of solo traveling hold me back. Of course, I started small but I’ve worked my way up and surpassed things even I didn’t think I could handle or do. Forcing myself out of my comfort zone has easily become one of my favorite things even if it makes me wallow in tears in the interim (completely not uncommon for me). It’s all worth it in the end.
What is your travel style? How would you describe it?
My travel style is a strange combination of things because I work in aviation. I have a combination of flight benefits on multiple airlines, credit card points, and a lot of industry knowledge to help ensure that costs stay low while still maximizing the product I’m receiving. One might think that means hostel stays but with the right discount and knowledge you can easily maximize on discounts and pay the same price for a hotel that you would a hostel. I’m definitely picking the hotel over a hostel. I love me a king size bed all to myself….
What do you credit most to your success?
My grandma always told me to apply even if I thought I wasn’t qualified. I combined that with the quote “you don’t get what you don’t ask for” and ran with it. I think it not only shows initiative but a drive, determination, and confidence that’s hard to come by. At times, it’s taken a lot out of me as an ambivert to live like this and of course, having a good support system helps too but I’ll be damned if I don’t live life to the fullest. Forever learning new things, being adaptive and well-rounded always keeps me on my toes and open to endless possibilities.

Thanks for sharing, Kaylene! We are so blessed to know your adventurous spirit. Join Kaylene and over 20,000 other women in Girls Who Travel


Her Adventures is an education and empowerment community dedicated to helping women explore beyond their boundaries. We welcome all people who identify as non-masculine/non-male to connect, educate and inspire each other with their stories, fears, knowledge, questions, and ideas. Because together we make each other strong. We hope you will join us and see the world.

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