
Meet and Greet: Debbie Petrone

Her Adventures | Debbie Petrone

Welcome back to our Meet and Greet Monday! Today Her Adventures gets to chat with Debbie Petrone, HERA operations.

Her Adventures | Debbie Petrone

Quick-fire questions

HERA: What’s your favorite way to travel? Planes, trains, driving, etc?
Debbie: Trains, buses, ferries – anything that lets me enjoy the scenery!

HERA: Hostels, hotels, or homestays?
Debbie: Hostels. Every time! LOL

HERA: Are you a planner or do you go with the flow when you travel?
Debbie: Go with the flow!

HERA: Would you rather explore landmarks or local favorites?
Debbie: Local Favorites.


Her Adventures | Debbie Petrone

HERA: Tell us about the thing you do that you’re most proud of. Why are you proud of it? What about it is inspiring to you? *
Debbie: I recently moved into my own apartment! It’s my first time living on my own and I’m really enjoying the little things like decorating any way I want, not sharing the remote to the tv, and playing the music as loud as I can!

HERA: What is your favorite travel tip, piece of advice, hack? 
Debbie: Make a plan but be willing to throw it out the window if necessary! Let the place you’re visiting introduce itself to you – you’ll have a much better trip.

HERA: What is your travel style? How would you describe it? 
Debbie: Solo travel, for sure. I go where the wind blows and figure it out when I get there.

Let’s get into the details

Her Adventures | Debbie Petrone

HERA: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from travel that you’d like to pass on?
Debbie: Culture, language, and history changes from place to place, but people are generally kind hearted. I’ve never been to a mean place.

HERA: Was there a time you ever wanted to quit? How did you deal with that situation, or overcome it?
Debbie: I was in Rome for Christmas. It rained and I got stuck on the other side of the city from my hostel. No subway, no taxis. I cried. And then I walked back through the rain.

HERA: What’s your dream? What does your end game look like?
Debbie: I would love to own a hostel in someplace warm and beachy, like Costa Rica!

Her Adventures | Debbie Petrone

Follow Debbie on her website!


Her Adventures is an education and empowerment community dedicated to helping women explore beyond their boundaries. We welcome all people who identify as non-masculine/non-male to connect, educate and inspire each other with their stories, fears, knowledge, questions, and ideas. Because together we make each other strong. We hope you will join us and see the world.

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