You’ve probably heard about house-sitting as a way to travel – but maybe you have questions. Is house sitting for solo women travellers safe or even possible? it feasible to do it full-time? And what if you’re a single female? I have house-sat for the past six years in over ten countries and have never encountered any issues. House sitting is a great way to see the world and save money while you do it. Not only that but you’ll get the chance to experience the a new place the best way of all: like a local! I’ve had homeowners leave a list of their favorite markets, cafes, hikes, and beaches to explore, which allows you to explore a place (for next to nothing). So read on because I’m going to share all about house sitting for solo women travellers, outline how I got started as a house sitter and whether I think it’s safe for you to try as well (spoiler alert: I DO!).
House Sitting for Solo Women Travellers
Is House Sitting Safe For Women?
House sitting for solo women travellers is generally as safe as staying at home. There are some safety risks, but nothing more than staying anywhere else and I have never had any issues at all. Some neighborhoods have higher crime rates. Some regions of the world may have severe weather patterns or dangerous animals. Basic research ahead of time will allow you to take any precautions.
Another concern about safety while house sitting is the homeowners. It can be hard to trust a stranger in a foreign country. Some house-sitting platforms do background checks on homeowners. This will provide even more peace of mind!
It’s always smart for female travelers to let people know their itinerary. They’ll know if something happens, and checking in with someone regularly may bring you peace of mind.
How To Become A House Sitter
There are many official house-sitting websites to choose from. However, it depends on where in the world you plan to house-sit; some platforms are better for local areas. For example, I recommend using a country-specific site when visiting Australia or Europe.
Also, some platforms have more competition, so they may not be an ideal place to start (unless you have much prior experience). I recommend checking out the house-sitting platforms we recommend for different locations and levels of experience here.
Many of these platforms charge fees, which improves the experience. Some even require background checks to ensure safety.
Pick a platform and make a profile. Include your skills and experience. Make sure your profile shines! Even if you’ve never house-sat professionally, you can include experience. Maybe you’ve watched a friend’s pet when they traveled, or you can also use a screen of your Airbnb reviews (this helps build trust with a homeowner).
Once you create a profile, you can start looking for your first job!
Search listings that meet the criteria you need. Communicate with house owners and try to find the perfect house-sitting job!
If it sounds too easy, that’s because it’s pretty simple! It may take a while to find your first job. However, with good reviews, it will be easier to get more jobs after the first few!
Is It Easy To Travel While House Sitting?
House sitting is neat because you do it in a different place every time. Many people house-sit full-time, which allows them to explore new areas constantly!
If you plan to use house sitting to travel year-round, you must be strategic about where you sit. For instance, plan to stay in places near each other and work your way across the region. This will cut down on the cost and time commitment of travel!
It’s also important to keep track of your calendar and a map. That way, you never commit to be somewhere you can’t be.
However, you will have responsibilities as a house sitter. This means you can’t just sleep there. You must also water plants, get the mail, or do any other household tasks. Fortunately, these tasks are simple, so you’ll still have plenty of time to enjoy the area.
Can Travellers Be Pet Sitters?
Many house-sitting opportunities include pet sitting, which can make traveling a bit harder. For instance, you can’t be gone all day if you must let the dog out around lunchtime.
However, it’s still possible. You’ll have to learn the pet care schedule and plan around it.

What Should You Expect While House Sitting?
While house-sitting, you should open a line of communication with the homeowners and ensure you understand their expectations before the house-sit.
You’ll also want to stay in contact throughout the stay. You should ask when you arrive, how often you would like to contact them, and if they would like photos or videos.
Now that you understand that house sitting for solo women travellers, it’s something you absolutely must do, it’s time to start planning where you want to apply!
Want more on house sitting for solo women travellers? Check out Best Traveling Jobs: House- and Petsitting
Britt has housesat in over 12 countries and cared for 55+ homes