

We are volunteers around the globe of different colors, backgrounds, religious faiths, politics, world views, orientations, abilities, identities, and experiences. But we share a love of travel and a belief that all women should be empowered with the skills and knowledge to explore beyond their boundaries and create a more inclusive world.

Interested in volunteering with Girls Who Travel? We're always looking for people who are passionate about our mission to make travel more inclusive, sustainable, and empowering. For more information, drop us a line!


I love sloths, reading, hiking, musical theatre and dance, and travel!


Will talk your ear off about random topics including: royal families, airplanes, Scandinavian culture and Eurovision. Sometimes all at once. Don’t worry it doesn’t make sense to her either.

Her Adventures | Amanda Belanger

Animal and nautre lover. I'm always out looking for a new spot to photograph. Organization is a must for me but i'm working on spontaneity!


I'm a National Park enthusiast, coffee addict, book hoarder, and a puppy mom! You will always find a book and several receipts from my most recent adventure in my purse!

Her Adventures | Annika Albrecht

The quiet girl at the dinner table with a mouth full of Lithuanian honey cake.

Her Adventures | Arden Joy

World traveler who is afraid of flying but does it anyway. Penchant for high heels, coffee, healing arts and words like penchant.

Land of Fire and Ice  After  scaled

World-traveling polyglot who always has a camera (or two) strapped across my chest and more rings on than I have fingers. My goals are simple: see every amazing sight possible, find every amazing bite possible, and do all of that while wearing my favorite witchy attire.

Her Adventures | Carli Korik

On a never-ending quest to set foot in every country in the world. When I’m not spending time with my dog, you can find me planning my next adventure

Her Adventures | Christina Choriatis

I’m a film and media maker. I loved capturing my travels when I first solo traveled at 28 years old. It combined my creative passion with my new found love of traveling. When I’m not creating, I love baking bread, crafting, acquiring books and reading.

Her Adventures | Dace Javashvili

Having a dual identity of two small nations – Latvia and Georgia – but actually often feeling like a world citizen. A cynic with a romantic soul, an ailurophile and a bibliophile.


Can and has slept at airports, train stations, bus terminals, ferry ports, and under the stars. Always in search of another great bottle of wine.

Her Adventures | Devan Murray

Deep dish pizza lover known for her bad jokes and silly gift-giving, who also loves to travel so she can see the world through someone else’s perspective. An avid sour beer lover, murder myster novel reader, but also loves the calming effects that a hot cup of tea can bring.


Documenting stories everywhere and anywhere. Lover of all things nature, architecture and food. Seeking to learn something new every day because the more you know, the more you realize how much you don't know.


She’s that one friend who’s laugh is funnier than the joke. She finds comfort in the uncomfortable and the misadventures. Stay resilient, trust the process, time is precious, choose happiness first, and always ALWAYS love hard.

Jacqui Greenland

Engineer, Scientist, Dancer, Trans advocate, and frustrated Hairdresser. I love to travel with my partner and explore away from the tourist areas - our hobbies, which include skiing and astrophotography, often help us do just that. My dream is to be able to visit every country in the world without prejudice!


Digital nomad and firm believer of spontaneous trips. The unexpected ones tend to be the most memorable.


Jo is a Noongar (Aboriginal Australian) basket weaver, museum curator, and traveller. When not at the beach with her partner, you can find Jo reading a book, hanging out with loved ones or planning her next adventure.


The travel hacker and aviation fiend whose best work is powered by cheese and long baths.

Lola Rosario Aponte

Lola is a cultural journalist, copywriter, and spoken word poet. As a part time travel blogger, she relies on her treks to 35 countries as inspiration to share those adventures with other solo female globe trotters. A staunch feminist, social justice is the backbone of her work. Lola makes her home in vibrant Loíza, Borikén.


Full time cook, part time filmmaker, hopeful world traveler. My goals in life include petting a dog every country I go to.


Bookworm and a bibliophile, who loves traveling to places that I have read about. Mother to a young growing up teenage girl, I enjoy a good brew! Love to interact with people and make friends. When I am not dreaming about the beautiful world and how will I see it all, I go to my parallel life where I am a Life Coach

Her Adventures | Rachel Anne Lacson Galvan

I’m an intrepid world traveller and lifestyle connoisseur — I like immersing myself in local cultures when I travel. I’m a lover of the ocean, flowers, cupcakes, and journalism. Everyday, I fight the corner of women.

Her Adventures | Sahitya Vasudevan

A wanderer & wordsmith. She loves to explore the roads not taken and local delights in her daily life & travels. Photography & writing make an interesting cocktail with her travels. In the HERA world, she delights In being a writer, moderator & a HERA Holiday Exchange elf besides being a team cheerleader!


Road trip lover, always working on her campervan. Usually parked somewhere in nature taking nothing but pictures and videos and leaving nothing but tire tracks.

Stephanie Anderson

Every day I feed two dogs, a cat, a few dozen plants, and a sourdough start. She/her.

Girls Who Travel | Author Valerie and her husband pose with their two children with a blossoming tree in the background.

Adrenaline junkie, foodie, crafter, mom, wife and emergency/trauma nurse. Currently working hard to raise 2 tiny humans who are good people infected with the wanderlust and overall lovers of life

Veradila Megawati

I'm an animal lover, leaf collector, grandma soul who will bother to feed you a lot and like to talk a lot random things in my imagination but I'm a good listener to everyone who needs someone trusted to talk to.