

Her Adventures | What you need to know about being a travel agent

What You Need to Know about Being a Travel Agent

"Wow, do travel agents really travel for free?" "Do you ever work?" "Wow! Sounds like you have the best job ever!?" "I thought all travel...
Her Adventures | Bad Experience

After A Bad Experience – Remembering Your Worth

Moving to Florida **Trigger warning: talk of sexual abuse & rape** Nobody ever expects to have a bad experience. I was right out of college...
Girls Who Travel | Cartagena Colombia

The Colors of Cartagena Colombia

Our taxi wound through the colorful cobblestone streets of Cartagena Colombia. It carefully navigated the one-ways to our hostel in the middle of the old...
Girls Who Travel | Interrail around the Mediterranean

Interrail around the Mediterranean

Are you interested in a trip by interrail around the Mediterranean? This year, the EU decided that all citizens that turn 18 will be gifted...
Her Adventures | Traveling as a biracial American

What it’s Like Traveling as a Biracial American

I often get questions about my race and nationality from Americans as well as foreigners. Being a and traveling as a biracial American leaves a...
Girls Who Travel | Amber Cove

Cruise with a Great Purpose: ChoCal in Amber Cove

Nowadays we are more aware of traveling ethically, sustainably, and with a purpose! For Girls Who Travel, those three topics are really important while making...



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